Manufacturing Units 1

Manufacturing Units 2

Raw Material

Raw Material 60 / 75 / 90 AISI 1018 / 1022 / 1024 Ship Plate ISO Grade 5.8, 6.8 Origin China — Pakistan

Raw Material Inspection Random Testing of Raw Material

  • Selection of steel rolling mill for quality raw material.
  • A random sampling of steel bar from same heat number before lifting material.
  • In house testing of material upon arrival of raw material in our factory.
  • Mechanical and chemical testing of material from a reputed laboratory.
  • After satisfactory results, the raw material is placed for production.
  • In the production process, the quality control manager checks the products at each stage.
  • After final production, the quality control manager checks the product according to customer specifications and desired standards.
  • After final inspection material is dispatched to the customer.